🥇🛌🏻Best White Noise Machine Reviews in 2024
Do you easily get distracted or disrupted by annoying background noises? Perhaps you find it hard to sleep with the sound coming from your snoring partner or the sounds coming from the street outside? You need the best white noise machine.

Maybe you are a student who lives in a dorm. You need to concentrate to get your study done but the noise from your neighbors is making it really difficult.
Some people seem to be able to sleep through anything or can still focus on their work when their is a pumping music coming from the other side of the wall. But for you and me, that is not the case.
Creating a relaxing environment in which you can easily sleep or work is so important. Fortunately that is where a white noise machine (or sound conditioner) can be a lifesaver! They drown out all the annoying surrounding noises which distract you and will help you sleep like a baby every night. Here are our white noise machine reviews.
As an alternative to white noise machines, you may also like to try using the best ear plugs for sleeping.
How The Next Best Sleep Machines Compare
What is a White Noise Machine?
At first it may seem counter-productive to add extra noise to your room to aid you with sleeping, but by drowning out distracting noises and replacing them with calmer sounds you can create a perfect sleeping environment.
The main reasons sounds affect the way you sleep is because of their irregularity, and your brain’s interpretation of them being a potential threat. It is the sudden change or inconsistency of a sound that disturbs you, not the fact that there is a sound in the first place. White noise machines emit a constant sound, and make it far easier for your mind to rest.
These machines are particularly helpful for people who find it difficult to get to sleep and, depending on the white noise machine you choose, can emit a wide range of calm soundtracks. They are also helpful for reducing the annoyance of snoring, keeping your noisy office cubicle more suitable for work, and even for reducing the effects of tinnitus.
How Do White Noise Machines Work?
The reason why white noise machines have an effect is by covering up the unwanted sounds in the room and replacing them with other, more consistent ones. Depending on the product, this is done by traditional white noise, which is a constant emission of tones across all frequencies.
For example, a note you may be familiar with from music is a middle C, which is about 261.6 hertz. A white noise machine will emit the same volume of this note as it will of every other one within the hearable range of a human and, as a result, create consistency across the whole band and reduce the effects of other noises that are present within that range.
The Different Types
There are further variations on this idea. Pink noise, for example, is louder at lower frequencies than higher ones and can be better for those with tinnitus or who dislike the upper sound ranges. You can also get violet noise, brown noise, and a series of others that target specific audible frequencies, with some people preferring them to white noise, which is constant across the board.
Some white noise machines opt to use relaxing sounds and tones instead of a true white noise. These are similar to what you might hear during a massage, with whale song or rainfall, for example, but the crucial thing is that it’s a predictable and un-obtrusive noise that allows your brain to adapt to it and not be surprised.
One Main Sound
Think of it like this. If you are in a dark room and shine a torch on the wall, your attention focuses on the lit area. If you do the same thing, but this time with the main light switched on in the room, then the effects of the torch are far less pronounced. This is because the addition of the extra light source makes little difference in combination with the rest of the light in the room, and your brain is less distracted by it.
The exact same thing happens with sound, and a white noise machine is the same as having the main light switched on. It floods your sensory inputs with information on all frequencies, which is easy for your brain to exclude and let you relax. Any further sounds will just get caught up within all of this, and hardly be registered.
Will a White Noise Machine Drown out Snoring?
With all of the anti-snoring products available on the market, white noise machines are the least obtrusive choice you could make. One of the top reasons for disturbed sleep is due to the noises being made by a partner, so if those effects can be minimized it leads to a much better night.
Rather than trying to stop the snoring at the source, like breathing adapters try to do with limited success, white noise machines emit sounds at all of the frequencies that are within a snore, so your brain is not as surprised by it as it would have been otherwise. This means that, while you will still hear someone who is snoring, the noises they make will be far less abrasive, and you will be able to easily relax and sleep.
How You Can Benefit From A White Noise Device
White noise machines are able to create a calming and relaxing environment. They are commonly used by people who find themselves in a noisy environment such as an office, dorm room or a noisy part of the city who want to drown out all the background noise which makes it difficult to sleep or study.
They are most commonly beneficial to those who are light sleepers. Often disturbed by surrounding noise such as outside traffic or a snoring partner, light sleepers are able to sleep much more easily with a white noise machine. This is because the sound machine drowns out all the annoying noises which can make sleep difficult. This applies to both adults and babies. In fact many parents refer to their white noise machines as 'lifesavers' as it allows their baby to stay asleep for longer.
Sleepers are not the only people who benefit from the best white noise machines. They are also often used by those trying to focus and concentrate in a work environment. For example they are effective in the office or in a library or study room as they drown out distracting sounds like typing and people moving items around on their desks.
Another group of people who really benefit from white noise machines are those who suffer from tinnitus. The soothing and masking white noise sound helps to drown out the ringing sound.
How To Pick The Right White Noise Machine For You
When picking a white noise machine, there are a few considerations to make:
How important is price?
The price range for white noise machines spans roughly $20 to$100. As you might expect, the cheaper options do not have the same quality as the high end models. However, the more expensive options are very feature rich, which while may be nice for those happy to spend the extra money, are not totally necessary. This is especially true if you are simply looking for white noise, and none of the additional natural sounds like rain or a rain forest. Indeed the cheaper options have a huge amount of happy customers.
What type of white noise do you want?
You will need to decide what type of white noise you would like. This means choosing between actual electronic white noise (the static sound), a rushing air white noise sound, natural sounds like rain & the ocean, or a combination of these options.
How important is customization?
The white noise machines vary in their ability to be customized. If you are happy with a basic white noise sound for your baby's room, then you may be content with a simple rushing air sound. If you want the ability to not only choose from a variety of tracks, but also change the richness of the sound, you should consider a higher end model.
Do you need to use batteries if you want?
Some machines give you the ability to use batteries in addition to using a wall power socket. If you want the flexibility to take the machine with you when you might not necessarily have power, you should choose a sound conditioner with battery capability.
Do you intend to travel with the machine?
While all sound machines are quite small and lightweight, some machines are more portable than others. If you travel a lot and would like to bring the white machine with you, consider a lighter model.
Best White Noise Machine Reviews
- 6 sounds: white noise, thunder, ocean, rain, summer night & brook
- Auto off timer
- Can use either battery or AC power
- Light and compact (0.5 lb & 6.5 x 6 inches)
This is the best noise machine for sleeping if you are looking for a good price. While you can't directly compare it to a high end model, it provides great value.
The sound quality is perfectly adequate and you can choose from 6 different sounds. A common concern with cheaper sound conditioners is the track looping. Surprisingly the looping with this model is fairly seamless and is unlikely to disrupt you.
A further benefit is the ability to choose from 3 different auto shut off times: 15, 30 and 60 minutes. You can also use it continuously all night if you prefer. If you want to travel with the machine you easily can. It is lightweight and also allows for battery use if required.
This white noise machine is a good choice if price is important to you. It does a good job of drowning out noise and has helped many happy customers to sleep.
- Produces 10 variations of white noise & 10 different fan sounds
- Includes a sleep timer so you can decide how long it runs
- Sounds do not loop
- Measures 4.4 x 2.2 x 4.4 inches & weighs 1.2 lbs
This is a much loved white noise machine. While a little more expensive than others, you get what you pay for.
In total there are 20 different sound options including 10 white noise sounds and 10 different fan sounds. With so many options there is a sound for everyone. The actual quality of the sound is also very good. There is no looping and the volume can be adjusted to suit your needs.
The built in timer is handy if you just want to use the machine to fall asleep. It is difficult to fault this white noise machine and with over the dominantly positive feedback this machine is clearly a favorite.
Our top pick for non-electrical white noise machines.
- Uses a fan to create a rushing air sound
- Choose between high and low speed
- Adjust the sound level and pitch by twisting the cap and changing the hole opening size
- Measures 5.8 x 5.8 x 3.2 inches and weighs 1.6 lbs
This is our pick for the best white noise machine for babies. However it works perfectly for anyone. By using an interior fan it produces a rushing air white noise which effectively masks the sounds which might disrupt your sleep.
By not using a recording as many other white noise machines do, there is no looping or annoying static sound.
With the ability to adjust the fan speed, pitch and sound level you can find the perfect sound for you to sleep to.
Top rushing air white noise sound machine for the price.
- Produces a natural white noise
- Adjustable tone and volume
- 6.3 x 6.3 x 6.4 inches & 1.2 lbs
This white noise machine uses the sound of moving air to help drown any surrounding disturbing noise to help you sleep better. By producing a relaxing environment it makes you feel calm enough to sleep.
A downside is that it does not feature an auto shutdown which some people like to have. However as it is primarily used during sleep, this is OK as it helps to have it on all night anyway.
While it does not feature any other sounds, you can control the pitch of the sound by rotating the lid which exposes or shows less of the holes. This is a really nice feature as it helps you find the perfect sound for you.
The customer reviews of this white noise machine are mostly excellent. As another cheaper option, it is recommended provided you are only looking for white noise.
- Includes 10 natural and white noise sound tracks: white noise, brown noise, pink noise, grey noise, tropical forest, ocean, brook, wind, thunder & rain
- Can be played continuously or on a 15, 30 or 60 minute auti shutoff timer
- Powered either through USB connection or 4x AA batteries
- Comes in white, black, blue, pink & purple
This white noise machine receives some mixed reviews. It provides great tailoring ability with the 10 different sounds. Also being able to use it continuously or on an auto shutoff mode is a nice feature.
The sound quality is what you would expect from a cheap model. It does the job and would be perfectly adequate for the kids, however does not compare to the higher end products.
Where this sound conditioner perhaps falls short is the durability. While not everyone has experienced a decline in functionality, some reviewers found that after a short period the machine stopped working.
This is of course undesirable, however the majority if reviewers are happy with this machine.
The Rolls Royce of white noise machines.
- Includes 10 high quality natural sounds; waterfall, fireplace, ocean, meadow, train, city, rainfall, brook, meditation & white noise
- Responds to surrounding environment using Adaptive Sound Technology
- Features a sleep timer with 30, 60, 90 & 120 minute options
- 30 day satisfaction guarantee
This is one of the best white noise machines available. While more expensive, if you are looking for a durable and feature rich, high quality machine, look no further.
This white noise machine actively listens for any surrounding noise which may disturb you and reacts accordingly to produce the most relaxing environment possible. This makes it very effective at drowning out the noises which affect your sleep or concentration.
With its 10 different high quality sound options, you will easily find a setting to suit you. Further you have full control over the richness of the sound to create the ideal sound for you.
The Bottom Line
With the best white noise machine, your life will absolutely be changed for the better. I hope these white noise machine reviews and buying guide was a useful resource in your journey to creating the perfect sleeping or working environment. If you have something to add, please feel free to leave a comment.